Tuesday, October 6, 2009

SSH without password in Linux


This is simple step by step explanation how to do SSH from one server to a remote machine without typing your password.

1. # ssh-keygen -t rsa (Press Enter Key three times) .

2. On your server create one directory ---> # mkdir ~/.ssh ( If exist please ignore).

3. Create .ssh directory to remote machine # ssh login_name@host or IP_Add mkdir -p .ssh

4. On server ---> # cd ~/.ssh ---> # cp id_rsa.pub authorized_keys

5. On remote machine ---> # ssh-keygen -t rsa (Press Enter Key three times) .

6. # cd ~/.ssh ---> # cp id_rsa.pub authorized_keys

7. copy and append server's id_rsa.pub to remote machine # cat id_rsa.pub | ssh remote host or IP 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys

8. Step no 6 and 7 repeat from Remote machine.

9. Now you can do login without password viceversa .
example login@host or IP of remote machine .

Email me your comments and queries.

Thanks and regards,

Anand B Mane.
email :- anandmane@yahoo.com


  1. Hi Anand,
    Excellent article. I was searching for same article. You have explained very simply & set by step.
    keep posting similar articles.

    Best Luck

  2. Anand sir,

    god must be crezy... find ur blog,
    great IT source... for u r helpful
    atitude... thanks

    parag chopade Aur'bad

  3. Hi guys,

    I welcome your comments and views, If you have any query or question please feel free to ask me.

    Thanks and regards,

    Anand Mane.
    email:- anandbmane@gmail.com
